Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I love u, DJ~

I am so sadd n I feel so badd noww..
I have made up my mind to go back to Yangon & I have resigned from my job..
My last day will be 12th Nov' 2009 in my current job and I will be leaving Singapore in the following week..
As for my career & my life, I have no regrets whatsoever for my decision..
I think I am old enuff to take care of my Mom's business or look for a job on my own..
What I am feeling hesitant about is that I am leaving my love behind here in Singapore...
I feel so down and sad because of that :(

I love him more than anyone and anything in this whole wide world and I deeply know he does feel about me the same way as I do...
I want to scream out loud & feeling like I've betrayed him cause' I am leaving him even though I can stay and work here...

I hope God can find a way for us to meet and stay together again..

I really hope there is a way... I will never cheat on him or make him worry or sad ever again...

I can't leave him behind.....

What to do, God... What to do..???


Thursday, June 18, 2009


Lately i've been stressed with work...
Not because of my work load... but because of certain people...
I juz wanna concentrate on my work... getting praises from my boss... and getting to know my job well... Thatz it...

I decided to go to church every Sunday to get close with Jesus again coz I have been so stressed...
Hope I can keep my word and go starting this Sunday...
I have been skipping church for God-knows-how-long...

I need peace, serenity & calmness...

Ohh.. juz realized I hav to look for a new apartment, too...

Pls God, help us find a nice apt with reasonable price near me and meelay's work...
And pls find us a good housemate.. Amen..

Time to work now... byeeee

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dear Mom,

I'm sorry for being a bitch...
Well, u always see me as a bitch no matter what...
I was angry coz I dun wanna see you suffer between those two stupid idiots...
They are older than me... and they are guys...
They shld stand on their own two feet...
They shld be supporting us now.. not the other way round...
Sorry if I can't fulfill your beloved son's wishes...
If he can't earn his own money..., that's his prob... not mine... or yours...

If you keep giving him what he wants, he will never grow up...
And if you want to see your son fail all the time, be my guest and spoil him rotten...

As I told you, I am no longer part of this...
I am no longer sacrifising myself for him anymore...
I have my own life, too...

Please don't be mad if I dun talk to you for a while...
It's not that I hate you... it's just that it hurts very much whenever you misunderstood me...
It hurts so much whenever you say things like "I dun need you..."
But I have to accept the fact that you love him more than me... since it's the truth, the whole truth, and nuthin' but the truth....

**how i wish i could hav a father who can stand up for me... who can scold mom and be by my side whenever my mom misunderstans me.... who can tell me "baby, ignore her and her son. they're hopeless cases unlike u, who takes after me".... awww... how i wish i could hav a DAD whenever I fight with u, mom**

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am seriously missing home.
I am even THINKING abt going back on a Friday evening & cum bak on Sunday night.
I miss my doggy so much. I miss ma gyi also
And I kinda miss this year’s Thingyan.. Grrrr…
Singapore’s starting to suck for me.. DaMn!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

So now I have moved (AGAIN) to Yishun & man... how i feel safe & blessed to see my friends' faces again.. huhuhuuu~
I feel like home again... I dunno why I moved out in the first place... & the bus from Yishun to Tampines took only half an hour **why didn't I noe that b4??**
Newayz, now that I'm back to my old home with my old frenz & got my old room, I'm so so happy.. really!

I will start cooking again… Go watch movies with my flat mates again & do loads of things together with them again… IF.. only IF I’m not retrenched…
So people.., cross your fingers & pray that none of us get retrenched & that God give us strength to walk through this great depression period!!

Hope everything’s gonna be alright & my bb got his student pass for his Degree year also~

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chit Chit, I mizzzz uuuuuu :(

All out of LOVE - Air Supply

I'm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you're hurt too but what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart
I wish I could carry your smile in my heart
For times when my life feels so low
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring
When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know

I 'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I 'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong ( so wrong not to go back together with u to Yangon for this X'mas & New Year)

I want you to come back and carry me home
Away from this long lonely nights
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too
Does the feeling seem oh so right
And what would you say if I called on you now
And said that I can't hold on
There's no easy way, it gets harder each day
Please love me or I'll be gone, I'll be goneeeeee.....

(Ngar nint ko lwannn loz thay bah bbbbbbbb..)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I is M.I.S.S.I.N.G (U)

Some people say 'when someone u love goes away, u feel like u love him/her more'
I guess itz true....

15th Dec' 2008 - he went back to Ygn for his Holiday...
7th Jan' 2008 - he will come back to me....

Whenever the clock strikes 11:11, i wish he changed his mind & come back as quickly as possible...

I hope he comes back in December & spend New Year with me.... :(

Chit Chit,

Everywhere I go, I see ur face... I hear ur voice... I miz u too much....
I wish I were a bear... Instead of sleeping thru the winter, I'll sleep thru the days that u're gone... I'll only wake up when u come back....
I miz u so much that I can't eat, I can't sleep..... I can't even read Harry Potter w/o u....
I can't watch the movies that u gave me to watch while u'r gone.....
I started to cry today coz I miz u so damn much....
I no that u told me not to, but how can I have fun w/o u...?

Chit Chit,

I wish u'r having fun tho.... N i wish u miz me, too...
I hope u miz me as much as i miz u....
I hope u remember wut i told u.... I hope u stay away from girls.....

I wish u'll love me more when u come back than u loved me before u left....
I wish I see u soon~

I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u...