Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I is M.I.S.S.I.N.G (U)

Some people say 'when someone u love goes away, u feel like u love him/her more'
I guess itz true....

15th Dec' 2008 - he went back to Ygn for his Holiday...
7th Jan' 2008 - he will come back to me....

Whenever the clock strikes 11:11, i wish he changed his mind & come back as quickly as possible...

I hope he comes back in December & spend New Year with me.... :(

Chit Chit,

Everywhere I go, I see ur face... I hear ur voice... I miz u too much....
I wish I were a bear... Instead of sleeping thru the winter, I'll sleep thru the days that u're gone... I'll only wake up when u come back....
I miz u so much that I can't eat, I can't sleep..... I can't even read Harry Potter w/o u....
I can't watch the movies that u gave me to watch while u'r gone.....
I started to cry today coz I miz u so damn much....
I no that u told me not to, but how can I have fun w/o u...?

Chit Chit,

I wish u'r having fun tho.... N i wish u miz me, too...
I hope u miz me as much as i miz u....
I hope u remember wut i told u.... I hope u stay away from girls.....

I wish u'll love me more when u come back than u loved me before u left....
I wish I see u soon~

I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u... I miz u...


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