Saturday, January 26, 2008

-The Secret-

U gotta... 1.ask....2.believe....3.receive~

I want everyone to know about -The Secret- by Rhonda Byrne..
Itz true, n me n few of my friends been asking, believing, n receiving loads of things :]
So, if it is possible.... I want u to read that book... ~The Secret by Rhonda Byrne~

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ashley Simpson

OMG... thi chin gyee ka sout sann gyee...
I neva thought she'll becum cool after all those plastic surgeries...
But, yah.. I must admit.. she's cool here and the song's also very weird ( in a nice way )

Saturday, January 5, 2008

-i want my childhood bak-

I want my may gyi..
I want my ma gyi..
I want my a phwer...
I want my a pho...
I want my cousins... I want my pin lone neighbours... I want to play hide n seek in the rain in my a pho's garden... I want to ride bicycle in front of my house...
I want to play badminton wit su wai mon in yankin...
I want to go to that bookshop near that video store...
I want to take that ferry from TTC to yankin again...
I want my sunday school teacher...
I want my barbie house...
I want to visit my mom's fren's house, which has a big swimming pool..
I want to ride in my mom's car while raining... I want to play with thanboo... I want to eat cookies wit my a pho while he's teaching me biology...
I want to take that short english test..
I want to compete in the bible competition... I want to listen to Immanuel choir... I want to go to church on saturday and practise choir...
I want to go camping with my church to ngapali...
I want that stray dog I saw in ngapali...
I want to talk nonsence with yu wai on the phone all night long... I miz ko zaw latt whom I talked to juz before my 9th standard exam...
I want to go to pyay lan TTC ard 8:30am and walk in front of 9th standard classrooms with my school uniform..
I miz hugging yamonar khin's waist and walking in mont zay tann...
I miz may kyi noo's toilet wit all those disnay cartoon's characters...
I want to go to nge nge's house and watch nightmare before christmas while eating her mom's kyer zan chat...
I want to run in front of si lone ( nge's scary dog ) and close the door when he starts to run n bite me...
I miz going to shwe taung kyer with ma g2 n nga phyo...
I miz sneaking outta my house ard 2am and breaking neighbours fence...
I miz shwe lat yar... I miz ko myo kyawt's studio... I miz all those free concerts... I miz telling fart jokes wit, thanboo, kaiza... I miz kaiza's live...
I want to go to pa zun htaung... I want to go see nelin...
I want to go to British Council with yvonne n kaiza... I want to sleep in my mom's room... I miz shote shote's smell....
I want to drive from Uni to Home with MKK... I want to no my physic's marks...
I want to listen to a phwer's bedtime stories...
I want to hear ma gyi's voice... I want to go to children's hospital and take radiographs of those poor kids... ( awwnnn... how i miz those dayz.. even tho i complaint a lot those dayz )...
I want to take bus from japan hospital to pyay road uni...
I want to sit in my classroom corner and stare at the football field...
I want my family... I want my happiness... and I want my grandpa BACK!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Depressed :(

I feel vulnerable...
I feel fragile....
I feel weak.....
Yah.... I'm goin' outta my mind :(

I close my eyes....forget abt the world~

25th-Dec' 07

ello ello ello :)
lately i'v been so lazy to update... wow! itz been a long a$$ time...
well... i'v been thinkin' of updatin' on CHRISTMAS n/or NEW YEAR.., but..well.. my laziness
has won me again.. so, yah... here i go~

u want the truth..? okay... the truth is... IT SUXXXXX :(
on christmas eve, i was eatin' my dinner at 11pm n watchin' mission impossible 3
wit slw n ywk (my beloved bro n sis who came down for me that nite coz i told 'em i dun wanna
be alone on christmas) n we 3 were talkin' nonsense until ard 1 n slept that night away...
when the clock striked 12:00, nobody remember to say Merry Christmas coz that night was so normal..
yah, we missed meelay n we wondered wut would she be doin'...
i alwayz heard from old ones n from movies that christmas is a time for family, love n joy...
well... when u dun hav ur family near u, itz a time for sorrow and a time to cry :(
i'm not sayin' i dun think slw n ywk r my family, but there'r not christians n they'r not that
familiar wit this christmas thingy... (but they r the ones who gav me my first Christmas gift tho..
awwnnn.. how sweet..?)
instead of feelin' joyous n happy, i felt like i've ruined not only my own christmas, but also
my loved ones', slw n ywk :( but i no they dun mind...but they luked hella bored the next day, which
i woke up at 12+ on christmas day n others woke up ard 1+
then me n slw went to NTUC n bought chicken to cook... then we ate chicken curry n rice n watched
KIMORA life in the fab lane (a TV series) the whole day... believe me when i say the whole day, coz
we watched it THE WHOLE DAY :(
thatz how happening our christmas day was.. ard sixish, they were ready to go home... i can't stop 'em
coz i no that they'r too bored to stay at my house... so they went home... n my beloved house mate
may zaw went out n ate romantic dinner wit her bf.. so yah.. i was alone at home ':(
ard 7pm on 25th-Dec' 07..., JanJan was playin' SILENT NIGHT n was cleaning the whole house...
after SILENT NIGHT, other Christmas songs went on n on..., n when the CD played Hark the Harold,
JanJan couldn't take it inside nemore n cried like a newborn baby.. coz she couldn't bear it
nemore.. she missed her family..ohh.. sooo terribly :'( (okay now i no how important my family is..)
after cryin' out loud... i washed my face n locked my door n slept like a PIG! ( the end of my
2007 Christmas story)... how lame..? -heavy sign-

My New Year? i'll update later :P