Thursday, March 13, 2008

Heavy Sign

Found out today... that i'm a bad person...
I m so mean, heartless, selfish, self-centered, bitchy,back stabbing whore, cheap, disgusting....
I should go to hell and b burned....
I m a waste.. unwanted... useless piece of shit....
People shouldn't trust me, love me, feel pity for me....
Instead... they should spit on me, slap me, burn me, kick me, push me off from a bridge....


Sunday, March 9, 2008

I wander through the world....
No meaning in my life....
My mind is driving me insane....
The hurt.....I've kept all years
Want it to end... so much!
Don't want to live with this pain....
I cannot follow through....
As a downward sees a joy.......
Provide my mind with a cure.....
As I need to get my high...
To choose to help me fly~
Is a cost of my sorrow and my pain :((

Oh god please let me go...
Let me leave the misery...
I'm so tired in my head...
Can't keep on living like this...
Cause I have no life, you see?
I shall end my own misery......

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ima apply Secret to what i want...
I want BIG pay...
I want that Novena condo...
N I want to be loved :)

Ask for it, u'll receive~