Monday, November 24, 2008

My Dear,

Do you know me at all...??
Sometimes, words are better left unsaid... & sometimes girls can be very tricky...
Thatz why guyz have to be super smart to get wut girls want...
If you're not super smart, at least put some effort, do the survey or wuteva...

My dear... you alwayz tell me.. "Juz let me knoe wut u want...
So that I can no wut to do..."
N I alwayz say "I'm not the person who ask people to do this or do that.. Juz go wit ur instinct.."
But as times goes by... things get tricky... maybe because i'm your first girlfriend & you have no idea about these things...
Or maybe I'm trickier than most of the girls...

Anywayz... I have decided to tell you wut I want...
These things may make me look like I'm selfish & self-centred...
But hey.. I'm not asking you to do all these...
Juz a few... or maybe only one or two of them will make me feel like a princess & you know that...

I love you =]

Well, here goes~

When you break my heart - [ the pain NEVER really goes away ]
When i miz you - [ it hurts inside ]
When i say itz over - [ i STILL want you to be mine ]
When i walk away from you mad - [ Follow me]
When i stare at your mouth - [ Kiss me ]
When i push you or hit you - [ Grab me and don’t let go ]
When i start cursing at you - [ Kiss me and tell me you love me & only me ]
When i ignore you - [ Give ME your attention]
When i pull away - [ Pull me back ]
When you see me at my worst - [ Tell me i'm beautiful ]
When you see me start crying - [Just hold me and don’t say a word ]
When you see me walking - [ Sneak up and hug me from behind ]
When i'm scared - [ Protect me ]
When i lay my head on your shoulder - [ Tilt my head up and kiss me ]

When i steal your favorite shirt - [ Let me keep it and sleep with it for a night]
When i tease you - [ Tease me back and make me laugh ]
When i look at you with doubt - [ Back yourself up with the TRUTH]
When i say that i like you - [ i really do... wayyy more than you could understand ]
When i grab at your hands - [ Hold mine and play with my fingers ]
When i bump into you - [ bump into me back and make me laugh ]
When i tell you a secret - [ keep it safe and untold ]
When i look at you in your eyes - [ don’t look away until i do ]

- Stay on the phone with me even if i'm not saying anything
-DON'T let me have the last word
-DON'T call me hot, but gorgeous or beautiful is soo much better
- Say you love me more than i could ever loved you
- Argue that i m the best girl ever
- When i'm mad, hug me tight and don't let go
- When i say i'm OK... don’t believe it, talk with me
- Call me at 12:00am on my birthday to tell me you love me
- Call me before you sleep and after you wake up
- Treat me like i'm all that matters to you
- Tease me and let me tease you back
-Stay up all night with me when i'm sick
- Watch my favorite movie with me or my favorite show even if you think itz stupid
- Give me the world
- Let me wear your clothes
- When i'm bored and sad, hang out with me
-Let me know i'm important
- Kiss me in the pouring rain

You no why I ask you to do these things..?
Because I would do the same to you.. coz I love u...& u no it...
I love u... more than I love myself.. or more than any other boyfriends I've had..
N if you ask me... "Why, babe..?"
You no the answer wold be "Coz we're meant to be..."

I love you... alwayz have & alwayz will =]

Monday, November 17, 2008

Juz a random bulletin from friendster... Coz Im so friggin' bored...

What type of day are you having?
x. a slow day.. a slow monday.. newayz, i like it =]
Was there anyone who "made your day"?
x.none yet
Are you liking how you look today?
x. well, yea :P
Do you have anyone crushing on you?
x.nah.. even if thur is, i dun wanna no =]
Have you ever eaten a bug?
x. nope nope nope >.<
Are you vegeterian?
x. u think..?
Have you ever had something stuck between your teeth, but no one decided to tell you?
x. yes, n that is plain mean, grandma.. i hated her for abt 5 minutes
Are you a mother or a father?
x. try a daughter..?
When was your last paycheck?
x. laz month
How many pets do you have?
x. none here in sg
What kind of toothpaste do you use?
x. wut kind..?
Are you closer to being rich or poor?
x. being broke is more like it..
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
x. i hav a few
What was the last gift someone gave you?
x. coffee mug.. a huge one :)
Do you appreciate that person?
x. oh i do.. more than i shld.. lol
Are you on any type of drugs?
x. proudly no...
Are you in love?
x. u can say that again =]
Have you ever been in love?
x. like rite now..?
Do you even believe in love?
x. i do.. i do..
Are you American?
x. wth..? u asked abt love 3 times in a row n suddenly, r u american..? lmao
What kind of mood are you in?
x. a bit pissed.. a bit "arrgh, wuteva.."
Are you waiting for anything?
x. nah... im not
Are you going to bed after this?
McCain or Obama?
Where were you september 11. 2001?
x. home... it was ard 8pm in our country... my whole house went chaotic.. as if they were americans... :P
What book are you currently reading?
x. short stories of shwe oo down
What song did you last listen to?
x. i dunno
What movie is in your DVD player?
x. sex & the city laz season
How many windows are open in your computer?
x. 6
Are you a very stressed out person?
x. sumtimes.. like that time of the month, i can b :P
How old is your mom?
x. 54
Has your mom ever been on television or in the paper?
x.nah.. why would she..?
Do you have a beach house?
x. nope... dang!
Where do you live?
x.ygn and sg
How many times have you gone to a foreign country?
x.i cant remember
When will you next go on a plane?
x. yea, when will i..? i need to knoe that, too :(
When did you last go on a plane?
x. july' 08
Do you like Techno?
x. i used to when i was like 12?
What is your favorite country?
x. Burma ofcoz
Do you like animals?
x. i love 'em
Do you like High school musical?
x. yuck.. no
Are the Jonas brothers cute?
x. again.. yuck, no..
Do you have an ipod?
x. nope, how pathetic..
Do you watch TV alot?
x.nope.. not that much i guess...
Are you afraid of the dark?
x.yea :(