Monday, March 2, 2009

So now I have moved (AGAIN) to Yishun & man... how i feel safe & blessed to see my friends' faces again.. huhuhuuu~
I feel like home again... I dunno why I moved out in the first place... & the bus from Yishun to Tampines took only half an hour **why didn't I noe that b4??**
Newayz, now that I'm back to my old home with my old frenz & got my old room, I'm so so happy.. really!

I will start cooking again… Go watch movies with my flat mates again & do loads of things together with them again… IF.. only IF I’m not retrenched…
So people.., cross your fingers & pray that none of us get retrenched & that God give us strength to walk through this great depression period!!

Hope everything’s gonna be alright & my bb got his student pass for his Degree year also~