Thursday, February 21, 2008

-Life in SG-

I'm a bad blogger... I neva blog... N if I blog, itz either too short or uninterestin'...
But...(yes, thatz a BIG but..) why do I hav to feel sorry..? Rite...?
This is my blog and I can do wuteva I want with it :)

So here goes my personal feelingsssss.....

I dun hate this life... Yes, I dun...
I mean it is true that everything is a routine here in SG, but I am gettin' used to it...
I went back to YGN laz three weeks ago, and all I can do thur is gettin' high...
I mean itz not that I dun like to get high... ( I love it, and who doesn't..? ) BUT... no one has any directions thur.. I dunno wut they want... Even they do not know wut they want....
They 're either partyin' or tryin' to get out of YGN or juz sittin' thur doin' nuthin'...
Hav you heard of this quote..? " Too much rest is rust"
I feel so blessed when I saw those ppl... and I treat myself wit a brownie coz I know I made the rite choice by decidin' to leave YGN...
Okay, dun get me wrong... I neva hate my country... But, admit it... Itz goin' into ruins and ppl are spoiled thur...
At first, I thot my YGN trip will be so much fun... I almost cried when the plane wheels hit YGN ground... But that was it.... I neva go crazy when I had a chance to eat 'mont hin gar' coz I can alwayz hav it here in SG... I didn't appreciate it when I had a chance to go clubbin' thur coz clubs here are so much happenin'....
And I thot things thur will be so cheap and I'll go crazy shoppin'... BUT...
Things r cheap alrite... coz they are also made of cheap stuffs... and thur's not much of a variety either....
And laz but not least... the electricity n internet connection...
I mean hav they heard of human rights..??
The timing that they give you electricity is so not right for me ( I dunno abt others..)
Itz either 11:00am to 5:00pm or 5am to 11:00pm... Wtf, rite?
And the internet connection..?? Dun wanna talk abt it no more...
And we can't go to a lotta web pages also... No wonder ppl thur are so narrow minded...
I feel sorry for them.... As for my family, I juz want them to cum live here...
I no that everythin' in SG is expensive, but livin' in YGN cheaply is much worse (in my opinion)
Me and Meelay (my flatmate) alwayz talk abt life in YGN is so wrong for us... Thur's nuthin' much to do thur also.... And her frenz r here also, and so on....
As for my frenz, they'r thur..., but they're also tryin' to get out from the shit town.. (except the stupid ones who wanna rot thur..)
So as soon as I got bak and as soon as I step into Changi and as soon as I hear Meelay's voice (coz she came and pick me up at airport), I feel so blessed to cum bak to SG....
I dunno why... I hate singaporeans (not all, but a whole lotta few)... but I like livin' here...
And I will try my best to fit in to this SG life style and I'll try my best to be happy here :)

And I'd like to thank a few ppl/things to make my life enjoyable livin' in SG...
-ma honey
-ma khine
-pyae phyoe
-shunele & ye wint kyaw
-yamonar khin
-ma pooh
-theingi & hteinlynn
-ma thaw
-ko phyo
-ichiban boshi
-sake sushi
and the list goes on....



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