Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dear God,

I'm trying my best to stay good :)
I'm quitting fish, liquor and decided to read bible n pray every night :)
Yes, I no.. I do all this thing coz I want sumthing from u :P
But I'm doing all this because I love u also :)
Father, can I hav the job that I want..? Or at least pull me out from this current job..? Please...?
I no I've got no future in this industry and the people here are so mean :( esp the owners..
Please dun let me rot in here, God :(

Laz but not least.... Laz nite, when I was talking to Thanboo, he asked me to quit smoking....
He promised me he will, too... So we made a pack that we'll quit 'em ciggies for good :)
N we will quit it U Tun Min (our beloved grandfather) 's style... COLD TURKEY!

So well... yea, juz like that I gave away my ciggie box, which I bought only recently, to my house mate.... Bye bye, ciggies :(

I made that promise not because I wanna quit smoking... I was telling my house mates the other day about how I love smoking.... N now, yea... I have to quit, coz my brother is suffering from serious tuberculosis disease... n he still smokes... n he said if I quit, he'll quit, too...

Things we do for love, huh..?? N I wanna make mom happy... If Thanboo quit smoking, she'll be happy... so... yeaaa... I have to sacrifice myself :(

OMG.. I juz had lunch n I'm yearning for 'em ciggies n u have no idea how itz killing meeee...
EEeeeeee.. Never mind... I'll be okay...

See..? I'm trying my best each day to be good... All I need is the strength from u to fight all those bad bad things :) Then I'll be good as new *wink*

Well, thank you, God... for letting me survive in this crazy mean world... I love u... N I promise I'm trying.....

One love,

P.S I miz a pho... Please, let him no~


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